9 Signs Your Phone Screen Needs Professional Repair 

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Cell phones serve as important tools in today’s world. Just like all devices, they are prone to damage and malfunctions. One of the most common issues that affect phones generally is screen damage.

Screen damage in mobile phones can affect any brand of phone. Once your phone screen is damaged, there are only two options for you. You can either repair or replace the screen. A repair is done when the screen damage can still be managed, while a more costly replacement is done when the damage is extreme.  

In this article, we will discuss some of the signs to look out for to determine if your phone needs professional repair. We will provide you with insights so that you will know how to make informed decisions once your phone screen malfunctions.

Common Phone Screen Malfunctions

So, your phone screen is malfunctioning, but you don’t know whether to bring it in for repair. Below are nine signs that you need professional phone repair in Sarasota

1. Flickering Screen

This is one common sign that a phone screen is having issues. If the screen of your phone keeps flickering constantly, then you might need a repair. This constant flicker is usually followed by dots of lines spreading all over the screen. There might be an issue with the internal connection of the screen to the phone but only a professional can confirm that. 

2. Decrease in Sensitivity

The screen of every touchscreen phone is usually highly sensitive to the touch. When you touch an icon or scroll through a web page, the screen has to respond fast. However, if you start noticing that you need to double-click icons or pages,  there might be a problem. This is an obvious and noticeable sign for anyone with a mobile device. 

3. Visible Cracks

A cracked phone screen does not only look ugly but can also affect the functions of the phone screen. It can lead to issues like decreased sensitivity, frozen or dead screen. It is mostly caused when the phone falls and the screen meets a hard surface. Unfortunately, extreme screen cracks usually require a replacement. If you have a crack on your phone screen that is affecting its normal function, you might have to consider contacting a professional to replace phone screen

4. Overheating

Another sign that your phone screen needs professional repair is overheating. A mobile phone screen can get very hot especially when in use. This can be as a result of either hardware or software problems. If you are handling your phone and notice that the screen is getting too hot, you should consider taking it in for repair. This is to avoid issues that will lead to extreme damage. A professional will assess your phone and let you know what is causing the overheating. 

5. Poor Color Quality

The phone screen is the visual aid you use to view your phone. Therefore, the screen needs to provide excellent picture quality with high resolution. If you notice the color quality of your phone is degrading, there might be something wrong with the screen. Damages to the phone screen can reduce the picture quality. 

6. Rogue Touch

This is yet another reason why your phone needs a professional repair. If you notice that your phone screen seems to be opening multiple applications randomly or dialing numbers without you operating it, then it might be time to bring it in for repair. You need to take it in quickly to avoid further damage to the phone. 

7. Frozen Screen

Frozen screen is a common issue that affects most phones. It can happen due to the operating software taking up a large space on your phone. Restarting your phone or performing basic troubleshooting can usually solve this issue. However, if your screen gets frozen all the time and nothing seems to be helping, it might be time for a repair.

8. Stain Patches

The phone screens can get stains and dirt on them over time. These stains usually get removed after cleaning. However, if you start noticing that these stains are getting stubborn and permanent, you might need to seek the services of a professional phone repairer.

9. Blurred Screen

When you look at the screen of your phone, if the display appears dull, blurry, or tinted, then you might want to replace it before it goes completely out of service. 


The screen of your phone is like the window you use to view the digital world. It can get annoying and frustrating if the phone screen malfunctions. Once you notice one or two of the signs written in this article, you should consider a phone repair.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I know if a phone screen needs to be replaced?

Once the damage to the phone screen is extreme, it requires a replacement. A professional will analyze the damage and confirm this. 

2. How do I know if a phone screen is damaged?

Your phone screen is damaged once it starts lagging in performance and function. However, you should still seek out a professional for a full assessment.

3. Is it good to repair phone screens?

Yes, it is good to repair phone screens once you start seeing the signs that there is an issue with them.

4. What happens if you don’t fix your phone screen?

If you do not fix your phone screen, it will eventually stop working and responding to touch.

5. How can I repair my damaged phone screen?

A phone can only be repaired by a professional. If you are not a repairer, then you should not attempt to do it to avoid causing more damage. If you are in Sarasota, you can reach out to us at Quick Phone Repair for a full assessment of your mobile device. We offer comprehensive repair for every mobile device.

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